Alaimo Group:
Planning Services
Alaimo Group stands today as one of the major public engineering and planning organizations in New Jersey, with nearly 130 high caliber professionals and supporting personnel. The firm is recognized for its integrity and dedicated service to its clients. We apply creative solutions to planning and engineering challenges based on rigorous design criteria and effective methodology.
We have served as the planners and engineers for more than (100) municipal planning boards, zoning boards, and utilities authorities statewide. Through extensive experience, we understand the dynamics of changing municipal demographics and fiscal needs. We work closely with municipal officials to develop the optimum balance of effective land use including commercial, residential, active and passive recreation, and natural resource preservation. We achieve community consensus through Transactive Planning, which assures in-depth public input and visioning in decisions impacting their community.
Our general municipal planning services include:
- Performing all of the planning work required in the capacity of Municipal Planning Board and Zoning Board Planner.
- Attending all regular and special meetings of Planning and Zoning Boards.
- Assisting the governing body in redevelopment projects.
- Providing specific planning advice and assistance to the Board as requested.
- Preparing special planning studies, reports and documents.
- Reviewing subdivisions and site plans including preparation of written reports setting forth compliance with municipal ordinances and accepted planning and design practices.
- Providing inspection services of development projects to assure compliance with Board requirements and approvals.
Our Specific Municipal Planning Experience Include:
- Master Plan
- Preparation/Reexamination: All Elements
- Redevelopment Planning
- Strategic and Functional Land Use Planning
- Community Design & Analysis
- Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) Housing Elements and Fair Share Plans
- Wastewater Management Plans (WMP)
- Traditional Neighborhood Design (TND)
- Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) Housing Elements and Fair Share Plans
- Grant Identification, Preparation, & Administration (Federal, State, & Local)
- Ordinance Preparation, Review & Update
- Community Consultation & Presentation to assure public input
Mediation – Analysis and Municipal Representation - Litigation - Court Document Preparation, Appearance, & Expert Testimony
- Asset Management
- Local Population and Employment Projections and Forecasts
- New Jersey State Development & Redevelopment Plan Consistency
- Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping
- Smart Growth Planning & Design
- Natural Resource Inventories